
Information about the bootstrapping process.


1) Connect to Karura Apps. Click on Swap on the left-hand side.

2) Click Bootstrap at the top of the page. Then, select the Pool you'd like to contribute liquidity to. Then click on the red Bootstrap button.

3) In the bootstrap, you have the opportunity to provide one token or both tokens in the pair. If you are contributing only one side of the Pool, you are effectively converting 50% of that token into the other token at the exchange rate when the bootstrap ends.

Select what type of liquidity you'd like to provide, enter the amount and click Bootstrap.

4) Return to the Bootstrap page after the Bootstrap has ended to claim your LP tokens. Click Claim.

5) Make sure to toggle on Stake LP Tokens and click Claim. You are now earning rewards on your LP tokens and can track them in the Earn tab.

Last updated