LKSM Farming

When users stake KSM to mint LKSM, they earn KSM staking rewards powered by the Liquid Staking protocol. However, users can earn additional rewards by doing certain activities. Learn about these activities below.

User Goal: Earn by Staking KSM

Users that stake KSM will receive LKSM which is a representation of their staked KSM tokens. Users holding LKSM earn KSM staking rewards (the LKSM you hold is worth more KSM every day). The LKSM tokens can also be staked to boost rewards.


KSM staking rewards ~20% APR (in KSM) + ~15% APR LKSM staking boost (in aUSD). These APRs are subject to change.

Step 1: Bridge KSM to Karura

1) Connect to and click Bridge on the left-hand side.

2) Select Kusama as the Origin Chainand Karura as the Destination Chain. Select the account you'd like to receive your KSM as the Destination Account. Click Transfer and sign the transaction.

Note: You'll see the amount of KSM available to transfer from Kusama above the Amount field.

Step 2: Generate LKSM by Minting

1) Select Liquid Staking.

Note that this option isn't open to users that have less than 1 KSM.

2) Enter the amount of KSM you'd like to stake and click Stake. Sign the transaction.

Step 3: Make Sure Your LKSM is Staked

Navigate to the Earn - Collateral Staking page. You should see your staked LKSM balance in the Collateralized LKSM section like in the screenshot below. If you do not see your staked LKSM balance, click the Stake button and enter the amount of LKSM you'd like to stake to boost your rewards.

User Goal: Earn TAI Rewards

Users that provide KSM and LKSM liquidity to the Taiga protocol will receive taiKSM which can be staked to earn additional rewards.


Because taiKSM is a stable pair, there is reduced impermanent loss powered by Taiga's Stable Asset system.

Additionally, users will receive TAI rewards (up to 50%+ weekly)*, the underlying staking yield from LKSM (~11.5% weekly) and the swap redemption fee (~1.5% weekly).

*Weekly APR from TAI reward is based on the weekly TVL of the taiKSM pool and subject to change.

Step 1: Bridge KSM to Karura

1) Connect to and click Bridge on the left-hand side.

2) Select Kusama as the Origin Chainand Karura as the Destination Chain. Select the account you'd like to receive your KSM as the Destination Account. Click Transfer and sign the transaction.

Note: You'll see the amount of KSM available to transfer from Kusama above the Amount field.

Step 2: Generate LKSM by Minting

1) Select Liquid Staking.

Note that this option isn't open to users that have less than 1 KSM.

2) Enter the amount of KSM you'd like to stake and click Stake. Sign the transaction.

Step 3: Add Liquidity to Taiga

Go to Add Liquidity on the Swap page. Select the KSM/LKSM pool powered by Taiga and enter the amount of liquidity you'd like to provide.

You have the option to provide single-sided or double-sided liquidity. However, note that if you provide single-sided liquidity, half of your position will be swapped to the other token when you withdraw your liquidity.

Step 4) Stake taiKSM Tokens

Go to Collateral Staking on the Earn page, select taiKSM and enter the amount of tokens you'd like to stake.

You'll see your staked taiKSM balance update on the collateral staking tab in the taiKSM box. Importantly, please note that the display for your earned rewards is coming soon.

Last updated